Section 18
God and the Gods
The idea that there was a time when powerful Beings lived on the Earth is perhaps entirely unbelievable, ridiculous, or at least somewhat disconcerting to many people today. Or, it is possible that there may be a faint resonance in you, and you intuit something true or interesting about this idea.
On the face of it, however, it is completely reasonable to be doubtful. As we are Beings who increasingly require hard evidence to support new information or ideas―which is a very reasonable and intelligent approach―then obviously most of us have not had the experience of seeing things, creatures, or entities appear spontaneously out of the ethers to disturb or entertain us. But, on the other hand, is it reasonable for us to wholly disbelieve or reject the writings from so many cultures that express stories of a similar idea―super-Beings with extraordinary powers participating in Earthly affairs?
Today the archaeologist attempts to piece together and understand our past from physical evidence gathered as remains and artefacts. Therefore, by a similar measure, it is also possible for us to gain a better insight into our past by seeing that the myths and legends are pointers to the conditions that birthed us as creative humans. Myths and legends, after all, are stories from long ago that have been passed down from generation to generation and finally recorded. And stories that are told and retold over time in this way usually become embellished and distorted in the process. But for us to doubt, dismiss, or otherwise categorise the myths and legends as fiction only is akin to saying that today’s stories from our journalists who report on events they witness, are also entirely fictitious. In both cases, the originating event from where a story arises is true, or at least in the region of being true.
It may be difficult to accept this idea, however from another point of view it should not be so difficult at all. Today it is possible, and indeed very easy, for us to project ourselves and appear instantly to other people through the technologies of Zoom, or Google Meet for example, and soon we will be able to materialise for each other as holographic forms as well. These powers are in the direction of what we are talking about, and the only difference is that they are dependent upon specific technologies, rather than by conscious control of matter directly from within.
It is the Origin view that the drive behind the development of these technologies―which are getting faster and more real, rapidly―is an externalisation of our deep and distant knowledge that we are powerful creators capable of controlling matter directly through psychic manipulation. This power will eventually be realised through our ability to align ourselves more deeply with the principles revealed in quantum mechanics. If space is a ‘boiling, bubbling brew of virtual particles popping in and out of existence’, and our human form is nothing other than a specific arrangement of these particles, then clearly if we can become more consciously aligned with this functionality, we will then be able to pop in and out of existence just like the gods we are trying to emulate.
Although it may be challenging for us to embrace this idea of manipulating matter consciously from within, what is far less challenging and something perhaps everyone has experienced, is the feeling of being ‘entered into’ or influenced by some other force or energy that attempts to control us. In fact, people do this to one another quite regularly in daily living. Have you ever been around someone and felt uncomfortable because, if you are perceptive enough, you can sense them trying to manipulate you in some way to get what they want from you? It is a sense of being invaded or violated, isn’t it? This is a version of―and indeed, a descendant behaviour from―these first controlling entities from long ago.
Something that can also help us understand the situation at the time is that the very nature of existence was different then to what it is now. Reality itself was far more ethereal, as it was not yet overly affected by the substantial build-up of past in the secondary, intermediate world. There is, of course, no way of proving this, because the entire Creation today is one that contains the existence of the secondary world, including everything we might dig up from the past. Everything we see and know is affected―we are living through and amongst it―so we cannot compare the old with the new and measure the difference. But the existence of the secondary world within the natural world describes perfectly the reality of the conceptual ghost in the machine, and it effectively ‘thickens’ the physical world and slows things down. It makes it considerably more substantial, turbid, difficult to change.
Incidentally, but quite importantly, it is this turbid nature of reality as it is now that slows the movement of Consciousness through it, and the speed to which it has been slowed is measured and known to us as the speed of light.
Before the development of this intermediate world, existence was freer and lighter―the ability for things to form quickly and easily was the norm. An entity could appear or disappear, or change form with little effort. To suggest this now might sound unreal, whimsical, or perhaps even magical, but the way in which it was achieved was not magical at all―it was merely a function of intending into existence the reality of what was desired. It was no more difficult for these entities to do this than it is for you to move your body in any way you wish, in accordance with your intentions. But to the early humans observing these events, it was a very different situation.
Remember, that although the early people were helping build the world where these entities could take hold and exist by feeding it with increasing interpretation and naming, they themselves had no awareness of this. Still, they were observing the performances and events, and they were deeply influenced―and no doubt quite disturbed―by what they saw.
If we read some of the stories from this time, we can see that many strange and grotesque things occurred. In fact, it is quite clear from the myths and legends that the behaviour of the gods in their time regularly involved violence, and bizarre, promiscuous sexual performances. Zeus, for example, portrayed in art as a bearded, middle-aged man with a youthful figure, took on other manifest forms to engage sexually with mortals. He seduced the Spartan queen, Leda, by transforming himself into a beautiful swan, and Princess Danae by appearing as a shower of gold. He abducted the Phoenician Princess Europa by disguising himself as a bull. As punishment, he once chained the Titan, Prometheus, to a rock, and arranged for an eagle to peck at his liver for eternity, for no other reason than he had given the gift of fire back to humanity.
There is no end to the disturbing stories from these times. It is interesting to consider, however, that due to the nature of these performances, it is perhaps here, as mentioned in the previous section, that the idea of powerful, supernatural forces―gods―might have first arisen for mere mortals. Remember that prior to this occurrence, early humans were fearless masters of their environment, just like all the other animals in their respective ways. But now they were witnessing unusual and disturbing events that were otherwise unknown in their experience. And as they were witnessing, the interpretations they made became imagery and concepts that added to the human psyche, further strengthening the power and hold that the gods had over them. When all these factors are considered, it seems completely fair and reasonable that a strong, genuine impulse for both fear and worship of these other-worldly Beings would have arisen.
The fact that some myths report how the gods could sometimes appear from nowhere, and also had full reign of the skies, may explain why the idea that humans came from extra-terrestrial influences―from ‘out of space’―is popular for some people. There is an element of truth to it. Yet perhaps more important is the fact that during their time, the entities from the intermediate world manipulated the natural reality to such an extent that intervention was eventually necessary. They were interfering with the perfection and intention of the Earth’s expression―libertine sexual behaviour and violence toward mortals being perhaps the main areas of concern. It fits that humanity’s deep-seated guilt and shame around sex has its roots in this place, as do our long-standing class and cultural vengeances.
If we study the myths of our ancient past, it is evident that the gods, goddesses, demi-gods, and other powerful entities present in the early days of humanity were often cruel and manipulative toward mortals. Today, it might be easy for us to want to judge these entities as being bad or wrong in their actions, but to do so would show a lack of understanding of the times. The disturbing acts and performances by these powerful forces were something more akin to a game rather than a conscious act of harm towards others. Because a sense of self, personal feelings, and the notion of ownership were still not really known or understood, there were no agreed moral codes of behaviour at the time―all of this would emerge and develop in various ways all over the world in the wake of these unusual and influential events. The entities in the intermediate world were simply ‘playing around in the matter’, and were no doubt enjoying the experience as well. Their interaction with the human body began to develop an awareness of the sensations possible in it, especially the powerful sensation of sexual arousal and engagement―the primary force of creation in the Universe. The gods and goddesses loved and indulged this sensation, and, coupled with the complete freedom to express and arrange things as they wished, they were powerful forces to be reckoned with, and perhaps the greatest artists of all time.
But their days were coming to an end. As more and more entities arose, they were virtually forced to attach to specific physical bodies for their expression and sensual experience. It was simply a numbers game, with emerging entities beginning to equal, or perhaps surpass, the number of human bodies alive and available at any one time. More importantly, it was the realisation and experience of sensual pleasure possible in the physical world that drew entities to attach or embed themselves more deeply into a body. Here they began to take direct control of the body through the possession of its brain, and could continue to direct it toward the satisfaction of their own individual desires. It is this attachment to the body that has grown over the millennia to become an almost inseparable identification with it today. The extension of this attachment to, and ownership of, things in the world through the body forms the basis of the entity we now know and name as the ego (or self; the two words are interchangeable).
A good way to get a very accurate, overall understanding of the situation would be to consider the experience of a ‘gamer’―someone who plays interactive computer games. From the perspective of any character in the game (which is the equivalent of the human body in the Earth story), the gamer is the controlling consciousness. Those characters, of course, would have no awareness of this, and neither did the bodies of early humans.
The gamer is an independent entity who directs the characters to have certain experiences. Those experiences register for the gamer as real sensations―the thrill of adventure, the tension of challenge, the relief of support, the despair of losing, and the ultimate satisfaction of overcoming and winning … and it’s all a lot of fun―even getting killed is not so bad, because the game can simply be reset, and off they go again.
Essentially, this describes the relationship between psychic controlling entities and the human body. The body is directed by the entity to have certain experiences. If that body happens to die, although it cannot be resurrected by any normal means, the entity can easily inhabit another body when the time suits.
Gaming is fun, but it is also a potentially addictive behaviour. When the technology develops to support the ultimate expression of gaming as a three-dimensional, all-encompassing sensory experience, it will no doubt become an extremely attractive, perhaps even an irresistibly addictive pastime for gamers, and maybe the greater part of humanity as well.
With such a technology, it would be possible for us to inhabit characters of our own choosing, our own making, and insert them into imagined environments to explore and have any kind of experience we desired. We could indulge an array of activities and sensations, limited only by our own imaginations.
In the highly competitive and sex-obsessed mindset of society today, it is not at all difficult to see that many people might choose to indulge all kinds of battles and sexual fantasies, to feel the extreme excitement and pleasure of these experiences in their own bodies.
Is the possibility of being able to do this beginning to sound familiar? This was the reality for the gods and goddesses from long ago that we have just been talking about, and it is the mindset that drives the ego today―to have what it wants for selfish pleasure alone.
With the presence of ego imposing upon the natural guidance from the Earth, the otherwise innocent human body had now become a battleground between powerful forces with conflicting agendas. At best, a cooperative balance between the two would enable rational thought and healthy creative autonomy to advance, but out of balance would create a tension that would lead to every kind of emotional and psychological disturbance that a human can know. This dichotomy is the situation we find ourselves in today. It is the human condition, and it impacts upon every one of us in various ways and degrees.
In the next section we see how the human endeavour to balance these forces has determined the stories and civilising of our species.